Saturday, April 10, 2010

K-on K-on!!! recently 1 of my favourite anime right after Naruto and Fairy Tales.
Haha of course this 1 is totally different. No fight inside of course but the story is just nice hehe.
For those watched it usually will fall for the Moe Moe Kyun Mio , Azu-nyan and Yui. And me!! i like Yui a lot! hahaa because of her clumsy and her very cute voice. XD
anyhow.. 2nd season has released so go watch!!! hahaha

Owh yeahh.. how was my finals? lol so far so good. 3 of the papers i'm having i can handle it well cuz i did study and did preparation for it beforehand.
1st paper : Etika - smooth and silky
2nd paper : Technology - Abit dunno but has high possibility to get A either XD
3rd paper : Statistics - Well prepared haha. so its A or A- depends on lecturer d

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