Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Howhh I had nothing to update!
err its 3.24am and i'm still farting energetic. hell yeah
Because i drank Nescafe and Ali Cafe.
For those who is sleeping like PIG. For your info Air Itam area, Penang (cuz there's too many state has this name lol) is gonna rain. Lightning is greeng greeng-ing now.

Anyway tomorrow i supposed to go and have my haircut AGAIN.!
I had posted up lots a post about my haircut. Why am i cutting hair so often?
lols it's too healthy and it grows rapidly.
will post up some picture tomorrow but now?
What I'm gonna do?? what what what? maan i don't know~

Owh yeah this few days I realized that I'm into sneakers big time!
Seems to be i have another stupid hobby d.
LOL why is all my hobby so damn expensive?
Photography....Sneaker collection....3c updating...
damn..maybe i shoudl really get a cheap hobby.
like?? emm...collecting recycle bag? haha or collecting bundles kicks..
it saves alot!
haha without realizing i had stepped into streetwear for almost 3years.
I meant the serious 1~ not those Wild Channel, Tropicana Life and bla bla bla.
Those are for kids. haha even im using their wallet. Cuz its cheap.
Seems to be i really gotta control myself of not getting so many stuff d.
I don't even have the chance of wearing all of it everyday.
Anyway.... love urself. love ur KICKS!!
don't ever let them dirty~ unless they are cheap kicks la. hahaha

Finally it's raining. tata

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